What ages can play?Our program allows players ages 4 - 14. We go by calendar year for ages so your child must fall within this age range on December 31st of the current year.
How much does registration cost?Our region registration fee is only $55.00!
Additional fees: There is an additional $20 non-refundable AYSO national fee (paid once per membership year – August 1-July 31). There is also a minimal credit card transaction fee that is charged by the system - this is
per transaction so if you have more than 1 child playing, please register them at the same time to avoid multiple fees!
How do I get a refund?
The region registration fee may be refunded prior to the start of practices. Once practice starts for your child's team, no refund is available.
The $20.00 National Fee is not refundable at any time.
If you find that your child is unable to play and you need a refund, please send an email to
[email protected]. Include your name, your player's name and your player's date of birth. Refunds will be sent to the address on file.